Minecraft forge mods 1.14.3
Minecraft forge mods 1.14.3

minecraft forge mods 1.14.3

getPath(ChunkCoordinatesSize coordSize, int x, int y, int z, float var2, int priority, IPFCallback parCallback) getPath(Entity var1, int x, int y, int z, float var2, int priority, IPFCallback parCallback)Įxtra entityless pathfind, for precalculating things without an entity

minecraft forge mods 1.14.3

getPath(Entity var1, Entity var2, float var3, int priority, IPFCallback parCallback) Callbacks are now usable for processing a queue of returned paths on the main server thread, if parCallback is null it will resort to direct path injection In order to uphold total thread safety for even vanilla enhanced AI. Pathfind to location TOP PRIORITY: PFQueue.getPath(this, x, y, z, maxPFRange, -1) Pathfind to entity TOP PRIORITY: PFQueue.getPath(yourent, target, maxPFRange, -1) Pathfind to location: PFQueue.getPath(this, x, y, z, maxPFRange) Pathfind to entity: PFQueue.getPath(yourent, target, maxPFRange) For custom mobs, c_IEnhPF Interface has a pathfind callback, use setPathExToEntity(.) Also has some WIP behavior tree stuff, not to be used Has a system for adding a tile datawatcher to tile entities, as well as an NBT based packet system for client->server Uses a queue system to manage pathfind requests Contains various fixes, eg: fences, doors, logic blocks are dealt with properly now Injects path data if used on vanilla mobs if their default targetting system isnt actively overriding it Interface with callback for custom mobs


"Unlimited" pathfind range, tries smaller angles of approach when destination is outside set max full pathfind range

minecraft forge mods 1.14.3

Main Uses: Entity AI implementations and threaded pathfinding, originally based off of the Minecraft pathfinding code.

Minecraft forge mods 1.14.3